Supporting disabled people

Throughout my time in Parliament I have been a strong advocate for people with disabilities, talking about provision for special educational needs in my maiden speech in Parliament, and serving as Shadow Minister for Disabled People in Opposition and Minister for Disabled People in Government.

More recently I served as Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Learning Disability, working closely with the Royal Mencap Society - a leading learning disability charity.


Learning Disability Week Reception

Earlier this week, in my role as chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Learning Disability, I was delighted to host Mencap, the learning disability charity, in Parliament to celebrate #ldweek2022. We welcomed around 80 campaigners, many of whom have learning disabilities themselves, to shar

Helping people exercise their right to vote

One of my roles in Parliament is acting as the Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Learning Disability - a role to which I was recently re-elected.

Supporting disabled people

One of my roles in Parliament is acting as the Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Learning Disability.

Questioning the Secretary of State for Health on learning disability deaths

This week, I asked the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt MP, to put on record the findings of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) report into how NHS hospitals investigate the deaths of people in their care, with specific attention to the very poor record of investigating the deaths of those

First meeting of APPG on Learning Disability

Earlier this week, I hosted my first meeting as Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Learning Disability, which I was elected to in November. This meeting was a joint meeting of the APPGs on Learning Disability and Mental Health.