Backing Farmers and our Rural Economy

Farming is a major source of employment and an important part of community life for many in the Forest of Dean. However, it is not an industry without its challenges, and I have always been keen to use my position to support local farmers.

I regularly meet with our local NFU teams to discuss national issues and local challenges. I’ve also been privileged to meet with our young farmers and learn about the opportunities that farming has to offer to young people in the constituency.


UK Farm to Fork Summit 2024

On Tuesday, the Prime Minister hosted the second UK Farm to Fork Summit, showing our continued commitment to the farming and food sectors. We are the first government to host a summit of this kind, which brings together farmers, food producers, supermarkets, investors and scientists.

Back British Farming Day 2023

Today is #backbritishfarming Day.

A day to celebrate our farmers and growers and to thank them for the food and drink that they provide to us.

Government launches strategy to unleash rural opportunity

Last week the Government launched its ‘Unleashing Rural Opportunity’ strategy which sets out initiatives being taken forward to unlock the potential of our rural areas. The strategy focuses on four broad priorities that are key to rural communities being able to thrive.

Farm visit and the Farming Innovation Programme

A hugely important part of my job as the Forest’s local MP is to look out for and engage with our farming community. I had a very informative and useful visit to one such farm in my constituency to better understand the challenges facing the industry.

Exporting our Produce

An important part of my job as the Forest’s local MP is to look out for our farming community.  As part of this, I have regular, productive meetings with our local National Farmers’ Union members. 

Food Strategy

Last week, the Government set out a new Food Strategy to back our farmers by helping to increase domestic production, spread jobs and grow the economy. 

Gloucestershire Young Farmers Event

It was a pleasure to catch up with the Gloucestershire Federation of Young Farmers on Saturday in Flaxley. The sun was out for their annual county rally and the event was very well attended.