Last week was National Coach Week. Promoted by the Road Haulage Association, this week long celebration focuses on the fantastic work of our coach industry. They have an important role in getting children to school or college and play a vital part in our tourism sector. To mark the occasion, I had the great pleasure of visiting Grindles coach depot in Cinderford.
The Grindles brand is synonymous with the Forest of Dean. You don’t have to drive far until you come across a Grindles coach. The company has provided generations of people with enjoyment, from holidaymakers and day trippers as well as providing school transport. As many in the Forest already know, Grindles is a family business stretching back over 90 years. The business has now passed to the fifth member of the Grindle family.
Last week, I was shown behind the scenes by owner, Tom Grindle, and had the opportunity to meet with members of their dedicated staff. The Coach industry provides an excellent career opportunity to those who love driving and working with people.
It was also a useful opportunity to take on board some of the challenges facing the industry which were laid out to me by representatives of the Road Haulage Association. Once the work was done, I had a go myself on one of the state-of-the-art coach driving simulators. I think we all agreed that this was much safer than letting me have a go at the real thing! The training aid is very realistic, and you can practise in a whole host of different environments and scenarios.
I would like to thank Grindles Coaches Ltd for the opportunity to visit.